AB1717 and its possible affect on future fuel reduction projects

Dear Fire Safe Partners, 

We have recently been alerted that the California Director of Industrial Relations has proposed to legislators an Assembly Bill (AB1717). This bill, if passed by the legislature, will require prevailing wages to be paid not only on public works projects but also on any fuels reduction projects that are funded using public monies. I’ve learned that this could possibly reduce our current and future acres on fuel reduction projects by at least 35%!
The link to this bill is below. Item #9 ( highlighted in blue) will affect our projects and was just recently added to AB1717. 

https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB1717CAL FIRE’s Sacramento legal team has already submitted papers opposing this bill,but we need your help! Please contact your Assemblyperson and ask that they either stop or modify this bill. Letter writing is a good way to do this.

 I’ve been informed that this bill will be voted on imminently this April 2022. Please don’t delay!

 Please pass this information on to others that it may affect and thanks in advance for your help!
 List of California Assemblypersons: (http://www.legislature.ca.gov/legislators_and_districts/districts/assemblydistricts.html)